We are going to go through The Artist’s Way process by Julia Cameron. It is a 6 month path to higher creativity. Many artists, writers, actors, and other creatives credit Julia Cameron’s method to helping them break through to become their fully realized creative selves. I am a huge fan of her work and her mission. I’ve started The Artist’s Way process several times and never followed through. Obviously, that was my lack of commitment showing again. Julia Cameron generously encourages creatives to form peer-run groups for a collective process, so I’m inviting you to join our virtual circle. Going through it with a group will help others empower themselves creatively while ensuring that I don’t flake out! How to take part? With today’s jam-packed schedules, a 12-week crash course will be intense. Instead, we will focus on two of the 12 parts each month. That way, we can deeply invest ourselves in the process and enjoy the journey as well. It is free to join the group and take on the challenge. I am adding the option to pay $30 up front. If you complete the entire book you will get your money back or we will all go somewhere and celebrate with an artist date! I know I need to pay in order to hold myself accountable.
You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app