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Kiara Flowers
2 min read
Samadhi - Liberation
Samadhi is the recognition that we are not separate from the universe or the divine and resting in union.
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Kiara Flowers
3 min read
Dhyana - Meditation
We are on the seventh limb of yoga - Dhyana, or meditation. So much of the eight limbed path before this has prepared us for this very pract
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Kiara Flowers
3 min read
Dharana - Concentration
Altogether, Dharana is generally translated to mean concentration. This is the first step in the meditative practice.
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Kiara Flowers
3 min read
Pratyahara - Withdrawal of the Senses
Pratyahara altogether is translated to mean "withdrawal of the senses," and is, in my opinion, one of the trickier limbs to understand.
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Kiara Flowers
3 min read
Pranayama - Control of Vital Life Force Energy
Pranayama is the control of vital life force energy.
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Kiara Flowers
4 min read
Asana - Posture
Pronounced AAH·suh·nuh with emphasis on the first syllable, this Sanskrit word translates to mean pose, posture, or seat.
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Kiara Flowers
4 min read
Ishvara Pranidhana - Surrender
Ishvara Pranidhana is translated to mean "Surrender to God." In the modern yoga world, we translate it to mean surrender in general.
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Kiara Flowers
3 min read
Svadhyaya - Self-Study
Svadhyaya is about the study of the self. Svadhyaya is much easier explained with the concept of little 's' self and big 'S' Self.
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Kiara Flowers
2 min read
Santosha - Contentment
Santosha is translated to mean "contentment." But what does "contentment" really mean? A quick Google search will tell you contentment is "
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Kiara Flowers
3 min read
Saucha - Cleanliness
Saucha literally translates to "purity," or "cleanliness."
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Kiara Flowers
2 min read
Aparigraha - Non-Greed
Non-attachment, or Aparigraha, is the last of the Yamas (moral restraints). It exists somewhere between attachment and detachment.
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Kiara Flowers
2 min read
Brahmacharya - Moderation
Brahmacharya is translated to mean "moderation." This yama encourages us to practice moderation in all aspects of our life.
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